Our approach

H2O is an abbreviation for Heart to Organizations means that we set up organizations to work on the understanding of the human nature and not on misleading principles and beliefs. 

H2O is an abbreviation for water. Water always finds its way. People should also know where they are heading and how to overcome obstacles to get to their goal. We teach people to overcome obstacles. Water is essential for life as employees are for the company. Therefore, it is necessary to treat them that way. Water can destroy. Also incorrectly set principles of functioning in organizations can destroy the trust, creativity, taste or mood of people in organizations. 

Principles of H2O approach 


we help participants to get to know themselves better and consciously name their handwriting - what am I unique at?, what should I build on?, what characterizes me?, who am I, really? 

Strengths and talents

it is more effective to use and develop your strengths and talents than to try to eliminate your weaknesses. Together with participants we are looking for ways to help them use exactly what they are good at in everyday practice. 

Psychological safety

the feeling of psychological safety is essential for learning. During our trainings and programs, we create an environment in which participants can learn and are not afraid to make mistakes. 

Out-of-comfort zone

learning can only be achieved by stepping out of your comfort zone. We show participants how important it is to constantly try new things and face new challenges, where they can learn the most. 

Change in behavior can be achieved by change in habits

by habits we mean a series of small steps, changes, that we make regularly, that gradually lead to a change in behavior and the acquisition of new skills that we did not possess before. We motivate participants to formulate new habits that will help them change their lives. 


feedback is a strong element in the learning process and therefore we support feedback between all learning process participants (participants, trainers, coaches, assessors). 


We apply the H2O approach in all our services. It generates from positive psychology and is based on the latest scientific knowledge and research. 


Why is H2O approach necessary? 

  • Because in organizations we meet more and more people who are convinced that things are getting worse. 
  • Because we constantly listen to complaints from managers that they don't have time for their people. 
  • Because many managers argue that there is nothing they can do about it, just tell their bosses. 
  • Because we know that things can easily change for the better, all it takes is the right direction and concentrated effort of people in the organization. 


H2O approach in online world 

We also offer our services online. We are professionals and therefore we take into account the specifics of online training and development. We include more frequent breaks, work in small groups, in so-called breakout rooms, support high interactivity and maintain the attention of the participants by alternating different types of tasks and activities. At the same time, we apply all H2O principles. 



Do you want to know more about our activities?

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